Queen of Wilmette
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
About the Author
Persistence: The Power & Breakthrough of Fervent Prayers
This book is a work of nonfiction. These accounts are from the author’s perspective and memories, and as such, are represented as accurately and faithfully as possible. To maintain the anonymity of the individuals involved, some of the names and details have been changed.
Queen of Wilmette
Copyright © 2022 by Macro Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Edited by Lissa Woodson: www.naleighnakai.com
Cover Designed by J. L Woodson: www.woodsoncreativestudio.com
Interior Designed by Lissa Woodson: www.naleighnakai.com
ISBN 978-1-9528712-8-3 (eBook)
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To those who turn their trials into triumphs, pain into passion, and don’t allow their past circumstances or challenges to dictate the outcome of an amazing life or future.
First and foremost, I am grateful to God for allowing me to be on this life-changing literary journey. I am humbled to have been included in this amazing book series. It all began with the Kings and Knights of the Castle. Now, here are these phenomenal Queens.
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Naleighna Kai, you are an amazing person and gifted editor. I am appreciative of your coaching, support, and most of all your heart. Thank you for all that you do. I didn’t take it lightly that you trusted me to tell Vikkas and Milan’s story.
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Karen D. Bradley, you are such a force and I appreciate everything that you do for Tribe. Thank you for allowing me to include Daron and Cameron in Queen of Wilmette along with providing your keen eye for final edits.
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D.J. Mitchell and Christine Pauls, thank you so much for your time and expertise with beta reading and line editing respectively. Marie McKenzie, thank you for the final beta read. I appreciate each of you ladies and your valuable insight.
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J.L. Woodson, you are such a talent as a book cover designer and graphic designer. Thank you for continuing to raise the bar.
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NK Tribe Called Success, I appreciate each and every one of you. Your encouragement, support and genuine love mean the world to me.
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Readers, you are the reason that an author has a platform to create and share their written art. Thank you for your continued support, it means everything.
Alarms from every corner of Second Chance Safe Haven's security areas blared and echoed throughout the building. The young man with a blend of fear and confusion etched in his face yanked on the side doors of the center trying to gain access. A state-of-the-art system had been installed with three dimensional cameras with artificial intelligence scanning capabilities. As Milan and her day staff were preparing to change shifts, the teenager had rushed up to the doors, looking over his shoulders as though being chased by someone or something, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Help me, please,” he screamed. In the distance, he could see two jeeps closing in on his location. Both vehicles were each loaded with four armed occupants.
Without a second thought, Milan ran to the East door with a member of the security staff right alongside her. As if by divine intervention, she'd been able to view everything on the security cameras. Instinctively, cries for help were on her radar and tugged at her heart strings. The center was built on the foundation of making a difference in the life of the country's disadvantaged and underprivileged youth, both young women and men.
“What’s your name?” she asked in what she hoped was a soothing voice as soon as they pulled him safely inside the building.
Out of breath and perspiring so hard his drenched shirt was plastered against his pale skin, “Jonathan Reinhart.”
Milan peered at him. “Jonathan, why are you in such a panic?”
Wiping his eyes with the back of a trembling right hand, he looked up at her, “They want me to fight to overthrow our government, I can't do that. I don't believe in their cause. So, I ran, my mother said I would be safe here.”
Pausing, then taking a deep calming breath, Milan processed his words. “Who wants you to fight and for what cause?”
He tensed up and grew eerily quiet, self-preservation mode. She would have to take a different approach to get him to open up. Tonight, she'd make sure he was provided shelter. Tomorrow they'd find out more about this young man.
Once Milan made sure he was settled in a room and ate a meal of flatbread and minced lamb meat, she left him in the capable hands of her evening staff. At least two male employees were always on each shift to ensure safety and provide that extra layer of internal security.
Because of the work they did, neighboring countries sought to close down the center. Thankfully, they were under the protection of the Durabian government and Kings of the Castle. She'd be back the following day and put her social work training into play to start building trust with their unexpected new resident.
Thirty minutes later, Milan grabbed a bottled water from the second shelf of her fridge. After taking some time to breathe, she slid into a shower to release some of the tension that built up throughout the day. Briefly, she thought about the young man who had seemingly fought his way to get to the center for protection. At least that was his claim. Tonight, he would be safe until they could verify his story.
Standing on the master bedroom balcony, Milan looked out at the beautiful Durabian skyline from the second level of her home. The six bedroom, seven bath mini mansion was located in a gated community that housed a number of their Castle family members. Peacefulness surrounded her as she closed her eyes and breathed in th
e fresh, crisp air.
Her thoughts shifted to the decisions she was forced to make concerning Second Chance Safe Haven. The launch and operations of the center were her baby. Its ultimate goal was to provide services such as educational training and a shelter to the individuals who were housed inside the facility. They were on the borders near Nadaum and the United Arab Emirates, in a span of six months their clientele had grown beyond anything originally planned.
With all of the unrest happening in neighboring countries, there’d been an influx of teens looking for a secure place. Milan’s mission was to help as many of them as possible. Her own personal experience fueled this passion because she knew all too well the feeling of abandonment. Her mind flashed back to the day that her mother kicked her out of the house.
“Better get you one of them dope boys, worry about schooling later,” Pearline said.
Shaking in anger with balled up fists, Milan shot back. “Wasn’t daddy one of those dope boys? When does he get out of prison? What’s him being in prison done for you?”
Pearline’s anger got the best of her, and she was standing inches away from her youngest daughter. “Are you sassing me?”
“Just stating facts. Grandma said the minute a woman puts her faith solely in a man to take care of her is when she gives up every ounce of her power.”
“Well, Wonder Woman, lasso your little brown ass upstairs and pack your shit. How’s that for power?”
Even though her aunt tried to step in and stop what was happening, Milan went upstairs to grab her belongings. The last words that she spoke before walking out of the door and never looking back were, “One day, Mama, you’re going to need me.”
Ironically, her siblings were having babies, failing in school, or participating in some form of illegal activities. Her mother didn't achieve her personal dreams and placed the blame on having children. Most of her anger was aimed directly at her youngest daughter who never landed in any type of trouble. Inhaling and then exhaling a deep breath, Milan let all those troubling memories escape her mind, at least momentarily.
Refocusing her energy on the current issues in Durabia, she put her gaze on the table occupied by her laptop, notepad, binder, and calculator. Working through the phases she'd implement along with costs for the additions to the center were a top priority. More rooms and valued added services for the teens, totally in compliance with Durabian customs, as well as increased staffing.
Once again, she took in the peaceful horizon, envisioning the changes and upgrades that would be implemented but her mind strayed to the political tight rope she walked as well. One of the advantages working in her favor is that the center was self-funded. They didn't need to depend on governmental financial support to operate, even though there were strict guidelines to follow. She was an American, connected to Durabian royalty through Vikkas, her high school sweetheart. Although the facility was kept under the radar, for obvious reasons, word seemed to be getting around about its existence. That could bring danger to their doorstep. And it came in a form that they weren’t prepared to handle.
“Father, you know that I'm tempted to persuade my wife to temporarily shut down Second Chance Safe Haven,” Vikkas said, though the prospect of doing so was going to be an uphill and downhill battle. Leaving America and a lucrative social services career was a huge, life changing decision that she made to be with the man that she loved. Milan put her heart and soul into improving the lives of disadvantaged young people.
Khalil, Vikkas, and Jai were situated around a solid wood, gold accented conference table nestled in the West wing of the Durabian palace that housed a majority of its offices. They awaited the in person and virtual arrivals of Sheikh Kamran along with the rest of the Kings and Knights, and Cameron who had been given “King” status. News coming out of Nadaum had been alarming, to the point it was time to accelerate their timeline for the security measures already underway.
Dark clouds hung over the normally bright clear skies of Durabia, signaling that a severe storm was approaching. One that would cause disaster to everything in its path - hurricane, tornado, or tsunami. No one knew exactly which direction and when it might surface because everything was eerily calm. Reckoning day was slowly approaching, and mayhem would follow. On a political front and in social unrest as well.
Khalil locked gazes with his son. “I understand. Where would that leave the young men and women who she currently helps? Her need to protect is as strong as mine, which has been a large part of our every day, purposeful life.”
“Do you really think Milan would want to do that?” his brother, Jai, asked. “You know your wife is a strong-willed woman and the work she does is important. Based on everything she's been through in her childhood; the center has served as an avenue for her to change these young people's lives even more than what she was able to accomplish in the states.”
Young teens were being recruited by the neighboring country to fight and act as rogue agents. Disgruntled relatives of Sheikh Kamran were credited with leading these unsavory efforts. They had been banished after a kidnapping that was slated to enslave his wife and children. A primary concern for the three men seated at the table was that Milan's center was now a main target due to the nucleus of her business serving disadvantaged youth, but also the fact she was connected to one of the men sitting at this very table.
Vikkas looked at both men absorbing their concerns. They made valid points and didn't make things easier or calm the small amount of anxiety felt about this entire situation. They'd left America to get away from the drama and foolishness brought on by political and social unrest. Now, here the couple was on foreign land having to deal with threats.
“Jai, I get that, and I don't discount any of it,” Vikkas said. “Riddle me this. How did you feel when you battled with Temple's delusional ex-fiancé?”
“Brother, you know the answer to that because you were there,” Jai answered in a sarcastic tone. “Murderous. I was ready to annihilate anyone who proposed danger to her and still would to this day. Hands down, no questions asked.”
“Exactly my point.” His gaze shifted to the man whose striking handsome features mirrored his own, and his twin. “And, Father, did you forget what you wanted to do to the Maharaj elders for all of the drama they caused at my wedding reception?” Vikkas tried to contain a smile at that hilarious gunslinger memory. “Even though you did finally take the high road.”
“Actually, Cameron put two of them on their asses before Sandy could hand Roscoe to dad,” Jai said laughing, while his brother almost spit out a mouth full of water.
Khalil nodded and tried to contain a chuckle but failed. “What your brother and I are trying to tell you is that Milan is no lightweight. Did you forget that she put a bullet in her own brother?” Everyone in attendance smiled at that one. The man deserved it for blackmailing her in the first place, but then took a step too far being greedy.
“And you still married her though,” Daron said.
“I’m not in danger,” Vikkas shot back. Inwardly reminding himself to never piss her off.
“Of course not, Seth deserved it after the stunt he tried to pull,” he continued. “You know the saying about 'don't start none' and he clearly did. Didn’t expect his sister to follow through with that threat though.”
“I felt that,” Daron chided.
“Felt what?”
“Those second thoughts floating through your mind.”
“Whatever,” Vikkas said grimacing. “I don’t plan on doing anything that would land me on the business end of her weapon.”
“Asking her to shut down the center might do the trick.” Daron looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
In an obvious attempt to make the intense conversation light, “at least we know that my sister-in-law can handle a weapon,” Jai replied. “She is a bad ass and that lets me know she'd be able to handle herself, when needed.”
“There's no question that she can handle herself,” Kh
alil added.
“The fact remains that I'm her husband,” Vikkas said, “but it’s my primary job to ensure her safety and security for the rest of our lives. Isn't that what you all have been doing with your significant others?”
Jai stiffened, under the weight of Vikkas’ glare. “Of course, I get it, brother. Just trying to make you come to terms with the fact that your wife is an OG. A woman who commands respect and deserves it and might resent your interference.”
When it came to the bronze beauty who had stolen his heart when they were teens, Vikkas would obliterate anyone or anything threatening her. He was happy that they were peacefully enjoying their married life, far away from their unstable relatives, but the looming trouble was going to disrupt that reality.
Things had calmed down after dealing with and distancing themselves from her drama filled family in the states that almost caused her to end up in an early grave. Par for the course since the Kings and Knights had a fair share of having to take drastic measures protecting the women in their lives. Granted, these beauties were more than capable of handling their business as evidenced by the fact that Daron's woman, Cameron, was a natural gunslinger. A trait that Vikkas didn't realize Milan had as well until someone forced her hand.